Mani at the Q-TOF
The Group
Abby and Priya’s farewell lunch
The Group
Shan's last day
Go Blue!
The Group
The Rules
Xiaodan’s last day
Another Michigan fan!
Dan's last day
Xioadan at the PF2D
Serious Michigan fans
Shan’s last day, at Palm Palace
The Group on Anu's last day
Thommy with the PF2D
Steffi at Agilent 6520 QTOF-MS with HPLC
Agilent 6410 Triple Quad (QQQ) mass spec with HPLC
Jaeman analyzing mass spec data
Jaeman at Agilent 6410 Triple Quad (QQQ) mass spec with HPLC
Xiaodan at the PF2D